A Standard Time New Year's Eve - $125 includes champagne, hors-d'oeuvres, performance of Standard Time and party with music and dancing.
A Standard Time New Year's Eve - $125 includes champagne, hors-d'oeuvres, performance of Standard Time and party with music and dancing.
The Encore Musical Theatre Company values the safety of our audiences, artists, and staff. Currently, we require that all persons in the theatre building wear an appropriately fitting mask, covering both the nose and mouth, at all times. Any person entering the building without a mask will be provided one. The Encore is committed to providing high quality productions, and our actors, who are fully vaccinated, are unmasked during all performances. To promote the highest level of safety standards, we require that you are fully vaccinated or able to show a negative COVID PCR test. When you purchase tickets for any Encore event, you are attesting that you and anyone using the tickets are either fully vaccinated or willing to produce a negative COVID PCR test within 72 hours in advance of attending an Encore event.
Our policy and procedures are based on CDC, federal, state, county, city, and other scientific data. The Encore reserves the right to alter safety protocols at any time and at its sole discretion including but not limited to social distancing, vaccines/testing, masks, food service limitations, venue capacity, and entrance requirements as it deems appropriate.
If there is a change in policy and procedures, it will be posted on our website. It is a privilege to be creating theatre again in our beautiful new space and we thank you for your support and patronage during this challenging time.
Doors Open 1/2 hour prior to show time. Please check in with our house manager upon arrival, and our ushers will show you to your seats. Every effort will be made to begin the show ON TIME. Please allow plenty of travel and parking time as late seating IS NOT guaranteed. Thank you!
There are NO REFUNDS. Exchanges are allowed within the same production (if seating is available for the requested exchange date) with 48 hours notice by calling or emailing the box office.